RypelCam v 3.13
Скачать (72.1Kb)Версия от 23.06.12.
Here is the latest changes from 3.13 to 3.12:
- asynchronous cam path calculation
- dynamic arrays for cam points
- over 500 cam points can be placed
- smoother locked behindview rotation
Changes from 3.12 to 3.11:
- dumpframes: data export for the 3D animation software Blender and Cinema4D
-- Camera informations are saved for every screenshot
-- Collada project files are created in: My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\User
-- 3D data is consistent with Unreal Editor map exports (formats: fbx, dae, stl, obj)
- client demos:
-- [numpad zero]: relative camera also follows players in vehicles
-- [X]+[MouseScrollWheel Down]: spectate available players (first person view without weapon model)
-- fix: removed influence of roll rotation; no longer active if cam points are set
-- red hit damage effects are removed automatically
- [X]+[R]: cycle through different render views
- modifications to RCam HUD (fontsize, playback speed indication)
- Relative camera: the currently watched player will be the first view target
Changes from 3.10 to 3.09:
- bugfix: set rotation of the first four cam points
- modified spec cam speeds
- 'Numpad 6' follows projectiles
-- Movements generate a relative offset between camera and projectile locations
- 'Numpad 6'+'X' follows projectiles as in prior Rypel Cam versions (rotation centers projectile)
Автор\Источник: rypelcam.com
Добавил: UnShame (Другие дополнения пользователя)
Дата добавления: 24 Июнь 12, 11:30
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